Air War. Middle East Part 2

I’ve discussed how the conflict in Israel/Palestine ‘works’ at the level of public relations and, in regards of military affairs, at the operational level. Now, in the ‘Missile Ping-Pongs’-part, I’ll discuss the strategic level.


Air War. Middle East Part 2

Of course, I’ll start with a disclaimer (a friendly reminder, if you like) that not only discussing-, but actually criticising certain behaviour in this regards is not only making me a (quote), terrorist supporter, but more dangerous than Hamas, too…. and I can – and that’s now official, since confirmed by dozens of online experts – excel in analysing any other war, but when I analyse this one (Israel/Palestine), then I’m a total and ultimate failure. Little else but a propaganda outlet.  

But, that’s unimportant. What’s far more important is that exactly the same people in the West, and in Ukraine, that are complaining about bestial Russian attacks on Ukrainian civilian population, are cheering (bestial) Israeli attacks on Palestinian population. Although the Israelis managed to kill several times more Palestinian civilians in just four months, than the Russians massacred Ukrainian civilians in two years.

I think the Western reasoning - the essences of which are democracy, pluralism, personal freedoms and, above all, humanitarianism - was never explained any better but in this comparison of statements by the President of the EU Commission (i.e. the ‘Government of the EU’), Ursula von der Leyen, and Israel Katz, a member of the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) for the Likud party:


Another important fact is that the ‘Muslim world’ is not supporting Palestinians. This is kind of, ‘aw, see, in four months of this fracas the Israelis killed more than 23,000 people, including more than 10,000 Palestinian children, and yet there’s not a beep from any of nations with majority Muslim population’. Obviously, and undisputedly, that’s then making Israeli acts ‘good’ and ‘right’.

But sure, if one does not pay attention and just listens to Western experts, the topic ‘Palestine’ is not on the daily agenda of Muslim states. Because, since when should it be important what the ‘Muslim street’ thinks?

All that’s important is what the dictatorships in charge of the countries in question do.

So much so that it was on that bunch of misguided quasi-democrats – and non-Muslims – in South Africa to refer Israel’s onslaught to the UN for ‘genocidal acts’.

Entirely unimportant. Much more important is that, when the Organisation of Islamic States proposed a suspension of economic ties with Israel… (drums)…. Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and UAE, refused.

Stunning, isn’t it? So very much stunning to see dictatorships created and upheld by the West ignoring what Israel is doing so members of their regimes can keep on

-          messing around in Africa (where, just for example, the UAE is, in cooperation with Russia, supporting the ex-Janjaweed militias now known as the Rapid Support Forces in their fight against the West-, and Ukraine-supported military regime),

-          buying arms from the People’s Republic of China,

-          supporting characters like Trump and Musk,

-          profiting from shares in major Western corporations,

-          buying luxurious properties in New York, London, Paris, Vienna, and

-          either sending their kids for education, or spending their quality times here.

Again: nothing else than stunning. As stunning as reactions of the Pakistani government – which cannot stop declaring itself for one of ‘closest US non-NATO-allies’, while supporting the Taliban and training gangs of Jihadists on territories under its control, and is surviving only thanks to strategic cooperation with (including extensive crediting by) the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Less surprising was when that cradle of modern-day democracy in the centre of the EU – Germany (a country foremost renowned for its crystal-clear conscience regarding genocides) – announced that it will intervene in the investigation of the International Court of Justice. On behalf of Israel, of course. Germans simply know better: as good as Austrian journalists inviting the leader of the local Palestinian community for a live TV-interview and then stunning him by bitter complaints about ‘Palestinian terrorist attacks on Israel in 1967 and 1973’…

Bottom line, at this level, we have a situation where the West (plus many Ukrainians) can’t stop complaining about bestialities committed in the course of Putin’s holy war of extermination against Ukraine, while

- wholeheartedly supporting Netanyahu’s holy war of extermination against the native population of Palestine,

- although Netanyahu’s government is closely allied with Putin,

- who in turn is funding and supporting such FSB-assets like Trump for 20+ years.

With other words: actually, we’re back to the situation before 24 February 2022. The West is happily - even though indirectly - supporting Putin. And we can’t stop wondering how comes the West is not manufacturing enough artillery shells and sending enough of these to Ukraine?

Aren’t we ridiculous, actually….?

No, we are not. Our noble experts have found two perfectly logical explanations for this.

1.)    This is a world war between authoritarians (who are seeking to shift the balance of power in the world away from that shining light on the hill, the USA), and democracies.


2.)    All of this doesn’t matter. The only thing that does matter is the stand-off between the USA and the PRC.

Certainly enough, everybody wonders how comes the system of international law and order is not working any more. But, at least in that case, the situation is crystal clear. It must be the UN to blame. At least the EU… if not the ICJ…

….and it doesn’t matter that all of these were actually created by the West…


Considering all of this, it’s then little surprising that – on the international plan – over the last three-four weeks the Israel/Palestine conflict developed precisely according to the plan.

As first, the administration of the US President Joe Biden – who, BTW, is the US politician that is also the biggest recipient of financial support from a body called AIPAC (stands for American Israel Public Affairs Committee: is just one of most powerful lobbying associations in the USA) – couldn’t stop stressing and warning, vocally, that the Israel/Palestine conflict should not be permitted to spread. Correspondingly, and out of concern that the Islamic Republic of Iran might become involved (because everybody knows that Iran is not involved, neck-deep, into the Israel/Palestine conflict, and then for decades already), Biden sent his Secretary of State (i.e. foreign minister), Anthony Blinken, to ‘tour’ the Middle East and ‘negotiate’.

Cannot but describe this as another brilliant act of US diplomacy: if you want to negotiate with Iran, you negotiate with everybody else, especially some of fiercest Iranian enemies – but with Iran. Making so much sense, can’t say.

Logically, certain Benjamin Netanyahu (that cute character some might know as the Prime Minister of Israel, that beacon of democracy and human rights amid that sinister, terrorism-infected area known as the Middle East) demanded his country to be supported while not only completely demolishing and ethnically cleansing the Gaza Strip, but also attacking all over the Middle East. For example: air striking positions of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (of Iran, but considering itself ‘non-nationalist’) - in Syria.

As next – and still precisely along Biden’s plan for preventing the spread of the Israel/Palestine conflict all over the Middle East – the USA and United Kingdom flew air strikes on the Houthis in Yemen. Official explanation was that the Houthis – that gang of khat-chewing, AK-47-armed Iranian proxies – were threatening all of us through their attacks on international shipping underway through the Bab al-Manded Straits, the connection between the Red Sea (and thus the Suez Canal), and the Indian Ocean.

Actually, the Houthis said, crystal clear, they’re targeting only vessels ‘associated with Zionist Entity’. See: ships either owned- or underway to/from Israel.

However, alone the use of the expression ‘Zionist entity’ by the Houthis is deeply offensive – for Israel, but especially for the West – because Israel is a country based on Zionist ideology of Jewish supremacy. Therefore (and logically): using this expression is politically incorrect, disgusting, and nothing but anti-Semitism.

 Moreover, time and again over the last 4-5 months, the Houthis – who, as everybody knows, are better equipped for anti-ship operations in the Bab al-Mandeb and the Red Sea than all of US and allied armed forces, combined – have attacked not only ships owned by, or underway to/from Israel, but also others. But, considering their declared hatred for Israel, that’s making their intentions crystal clear, and therefore, their announcements and attacks were declared by Western experts into a blockade of the Suez Canal.

Correspondingly, US and British air- and missile strikes have targeted air defence units of the Houthis. Not their capabilities to continue striking international shipping.


Because the aim of these air strikes was to prevent the spread of the Israel/Palestine conflict through enabling the Israeli Air-Space Force (IASF) to fly an air strike on fishery boats in the port of Hodeida: the vessels used to obtain food for most of civilians in that part of Yemen…

What a surprise then, those dastardly Houthis further intensified their attacks on the international shipping, and are meanwhile striking all over the area stretching from central Red Sea, via the Bab al-Mandeb and the Gulf of Aden, all the way to the north-western Indian Ocean.


….in reaction to which Washington then officially demanded military help from the People’s Republic of China - in regards of protecting international shipping in this part of the World.

Surprisingly enough, the communist regime of Beijing reacted with shrugging its shoulders…



Which brings me to the next logical reaction… the one from Tehran, capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran:

-          In the light of the USA (and Great Britain) bombing the Houthis, and

-          the USA then also bombing the IRGC-outlet Katayib Hezbollah in Iraq and (eastern) Syria – which over the last four months run some 40 attacks on US military bases in the two countries, plus Israel - and

-          because one of Israeli air strikes in Syria killed one of IRGC’s top military advisors, and

-          because the regime in Tehran is facing growing criticism for not doing enough against this CIA-Mossad-al-Qaeda conspiracy,

the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran did the only logical thing. It let the IRGC, almost simultaneously, launch missile strikes on

-          bases of the ‘Islamic State’ in north-western Syria (actually: those of Qatar-supported HTS, former Jabhat an-Nusra),

-          a ‘Zionist spy hub’ in form of US bases and the consulate in Erbil, in northern Iraq, and

-          a ‘base’ of Jaysh al-Adi – a Sunni group fighting for Balochi independence from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.



Now, all the 2,5 of people likely to read this might come to some strange ideas. Like asking, who the heck are Balochs?

Aw, that’s unimportant. Just some people split between three countries, back in the late 1940s, with most of them ending inside Pakistan, which simply assumed the control over ‘its’ part (which is: essentially, all of southern Pakistan, roughly from Quetta to Kharachi), without the British actually ever assigning the same to it. Or asking the Balochs about their opinion.

Yeah, Balochis are fighting an insurgency against Islamabad for decades, and some of them are protesting extra-judical killings, disappearances, torture and gang-rape of their activists by the Pakistani Armed Forces. But… why should you care?

Ask the official Islamabad: Balochi insurgency is a foreign-funded conspiracy aimed at disintegrating Pakistan. Foremost, Pakistani armed forces are super-invincible. Alas, at the time of the IRGC’s strike, they were preoccupied messing around with the country’s politics, as so often - and thus couldn’t really care about their actual task..

But, and again: that’s unimportant. If the US armed forces can run the US foreign policy on their own, and that of Israel can be dictated by racists and religious fanatics – why couldn’t the Pakistani domestic and foreign policy be dictated by the Punjabi supremacists in control of the country’s armed forces?

Hand on heart: it would be unfair to demand anything else from them..  

Point is: Biden’s plan for prevention of the spill of the Israel/Palestine conflict is working perfectly. Moreover, all of this has, promptly, taught everybody a lesson. The USA meanwhile flew additional air strikes on Katayib Hezbollah in Iraq and Syria. Israel flew additional air strikes on the IRGC and Katayib Hezbollah in Syria. Katayib Hezbollah re-announced its entry into the Israel/Palestine conflict. The Houthis attacked additional ships in the Red Sea. And the invincible Pakistani Air Force flew an air strike on a hideout of the Balochistan Liberation Front inside the Islamic Republic of Iran.

….and now all of us are living in peace and brotherhood…


What’s going to happen as next?

No idea. But, I would not be surprised if this goes on along the following lines:

-          PRC to launch another peaceful attack on one of Indian Army’s outposts in the Himalayas,

-          EU then to caution Indian government to moderate its response, in the interest of safeguarding EU’s commercial interests in the PRC;

-          India to react by striking another jihadists-training-camp in Pakistan,

-          UAE to continue supporting the insane government of Ethiopia through funding arms purchases from Belarus, Russia, PRC, and Turkey, so Addis Ababa can continue its attempt to genocide Tigrayans,

-          but this to be declared for ‘OK’ by the West, because UAE is our friend even when cooperating with Russia to support the RSF in Sudan, while we cannot understand why is the biggest democracy on Earth (India) a close ally of Putin….

Whatever it is: it’s crucial for everybody to keep on looking away while Israelis are mass-murdering Palestinians, because that’s no mass-murder, nor are Israeli intentions to drive out the local population anything at least roughly resembling ethnic cleansing or a genocide. Because the Bible says that’s the promised land..

Foremost: whatever it is, if it’s negative for Israel, or just a critique for that country’s politics – and Western support for the same - that’s bad. Support Israel. That’s good.

 The first two out of six Su-30Ks acquired by Ethiopia from Belarus, with funding from the UAE, as seen on their arrival at Debre Zeit AB, about a week ago

 UAE-made al-Tariq stand-off missile, acquired by Ethiopia


P.S. Don’t worry, dear European-compatriots: the fire-brigade of Tombouctou has ascertained that there will be no delays in deliveries of your Chinese-made smartphones, modems, and refrigerators.





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