War of extermination. The second round of the missile campaign

Analysis, conclusions and statistics of the massive Russian missile and drone attack on Ukraine on January 2nd by Tom Cooper


War of extermination. The second round of the missile campaign

By now, it’s clear: yesterday, the Russians have ‘fired’ the ‘Round 2’ of this season’s missile campaign on Ukraine.

But, you know, that wasn’t important. At least not from the point of view of ‘leading’ Western statesmen. Read: those bribed to pretend they’re leading major Western democracies, while actually administering into the pockets of our glorious oligarchy here.

Even less so from the point of view of those excelling in playing experts in analysing warfare in Ukraine.

Much more important was Pudding’s recent TV-appearance in which he did ‘something entirely new’. He declared the ‘West’ for ‘Russia’s enemy’.

Now, weird nerds indulging in propaganda warfare - such jerks like me - have a memory slightly better than that of the fish and thus do know that Putin has declared the West for Russia’a enemy multiple times over the years. It’s really nothing new. But, for all those reporting about traffic accidents in the morning, sports and cooking at noon, local crime and markets in the evening, and paying attention about Ukraine or such unimportant, yet crystal-clear affairs like Israel/Palestine only on 29 February of the leapyear… or for all those remaining insistent on theories like Russia is as evil as Palestinians…. and especially all the conspiracy theoreticians of this plate named Earth… for all of them, and they are many: this meant having a field day.

Because it’s obvious, isn’t it? Pudding’s war of extermination is, in no way, never-ever, by no means, a war against Ukraine. No! Oh, you naive stupids: nope! This is a war imposed by ‘Western actors’ upon Russia: they, the Westerners, are the only to blame. They ‘want to destroy Russian statehood’ and ‘bring about the ‘strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield’.

Now you’re informed. Properly. And from horse’s mouth.

But hey: you know, like every pile of stinking lies, this one contains some truth, too. Or at least something I can agree with. That was Pudding’s statement - issued in the same TV-appearance - that Russia will ‘deal with [the West] faster than the West can deal with Russia on the battlefields in Ukraine’.

Yes, yes, I know: one could argue that this stood in contradiction with one of his next statements, according to which ‘Ukraine is already completely destroyed’, ‘there’s nothing left’ and that it ‘exists only in handouts’, because Ukraine is not the enemy, obviously… and another one, according to which the Western ‘rhetoric has shifted to how to quickly end the conflict’. But… haha! What a silly son of a gun!

One could even ignore that with ‘Ukraine is already completely destroyed’: an idiot of Pudding’s calibre can never admit that for a ‘completely destroyed’ country, Ukraine is resisting Pudding’s war of extermination in a fascinatingly successful fashion.

But, that with the West is a simple matter of fact: idiots in charge of the West are still so busy with thinking about thinking, modelling 15 different versions about the end of this war, and so hesitant in their related decision-making, so insistent on delivering obsolete arms much too slowly, much too late … and yes, some have nothing better to do but to try modelling a quick end of this war in their wet dreams - that, yes: they’re kindly and diligently buying Pudding plenty of time to adapt. To adapt his narrative, and to adapt what’s left of his armed forces.

Ironically, that’s still not working. Neither for Pudding nor for Western idiots.

What do I mean?

See the following…


As usual, the Russian strike began early in the morning and then with ‘mapping’ of Ukrainian air defences. For this purpose, the VKS released a total of 35 Shahid LPGMs from south-east. Ukrainians claimed all 35 as shot down.

 Statistics:- 4 Kh-31P anti-radar missiles: 0 shot downpublished here.Russia will not give up its positionsblew away a school building in Osnovianskyi District of KharkivNever mind. Proponents of the idea to ‘end this war through negotiations’ must feel strongly confirmed by all the events of yesterday. Even more so considering Pudding’s statement that Russia ‘wants to end he conflict with the West’ - Moreover, the ZSU deployed its M142 HIMARS/GMLRS to blow up this 1K148 Yastreb-AV artillery radar:, and that - 10 Kinzhal: 10 shot down - 35 Shahed LPGMs: 35 shot down..Come on, my dear good-people-negotiators: prove your superiority vis-a-vis war-mongers (and paid propagandists, like me), go and negotiate peace with Pudding…successfully found (by a Zala-421-16E UAV), but then missed this M142 HIMARS- 3 Kalibr cruise missiles: 3 shot down…and the Russians .Emphasis in this strike was the Kyiv area. Which is where most of damage was caused, too. At least 3 were killed and 27 wounded. Mostly when debris of downed missiles - or SAMs - crashed down on different skyscrapers, warehouses, a supermarket, or private homes. This Kinzhal - after being shot down - at least crashed into Dnipro causing no damage whatsoever:That’s going to teach Ukrainians a lesson…- 70 Kh-101/555: 59-62 shot down (sources seem to differ)The content is published with the permission of the author. First As next, around 06.00hrs in the morning, a total of 16 Tu-95MS bombers have released at least 70 cruise missiles, while a ship or submarine of the Black Sea Fleet released at least three Kalibr cruise missiles.***- 12 Iskander & S-300 ballistic missiles: 0 shot downBut hey, the Keystone Cops then retaliated and, in the evening, fired a missile that but only on the Kremlin's termsAround 07.30h, as the cruise missiles began approaching their targets, MiG-31Ks of the VKS began launching Kinzhal aeroballistic missiles, and, minutes later, the barrage was reinforced by a total of 12 Iskander and S-300 SAMs fired in ballistic mode, plus four Kh-31P anti-radar missiles released by Su-35s.

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