“... Tushenka-elial, that's how you were...”

Retired Crimean Tatars were removed from the ghetto on the main propaganda TV channel Crimea

Osman Pashayev

Osman Pashayev



“... Tushenka-elial, that's how you were...”

From the ghetto - because for this club of collabors there is already TV “Millet”, which the occupiers launched instead of the closed Crimean Tatar ATR in 2015.

However, the special project “Crimean Tatar Wapris” was decided to be translated on the main television resource - Krym24.

The studio is hosted by E. Seitova and three guests. Look better without sound - you will have a feeling of excitement behind a long stage, where four interlocutors speak without looking each other in the eye. Somehow he will go to the “Servant” by Roman Viktyuk.

The sound is accompanied by the program “ABVGDEYKA for residents of the backward countries of Asia and Africa”.

Seitova from time to time is theatrically addressed to the guests in the Russian manner: “Lemara Sergeevna, Ider Ametovich Libo Zenife Emiralievna”, inserting into their requests theses, which the heroes do not have the air chances do not agree.

For example, after a video with an official on the family of Tipp, which tells about the difficulties of the Russian Crimea in solving the problems of the Crimean Tatars, Seitova asks in the studio:

“Ider Ametovich, it is necessary to build a work so necessary, when will the power, in such numbers and places, find anyone?”

Well, what else can lead to this island question Ider Ametovich:

- Definitely... Further three minutes of the text of Aidar Ametovich, in which the word “power” sounds six times, “community” five times and a table - “there are still solutions”.

The constituent part of the statement of Aider Ametovich in the abstract seems to look like this: “There are difficult questions, there are easy questions... the authorities have certain capabilities, they do not have them. of the possibilities...”

The theme of the ether is the work of the Council of Crimean Tatars under Aksenov. All guests of the air are members of this Council.

Pulitzerovsky asks Seitova to the daughter of the mufti:

“The opening point in the context of the international paradigm was the decree of the President on the rehabilitation of Crimean Tatars. But the theoretical base must be reinforced by practical work. What are the fruits of the wisdom of the Council?”

Zenife Emiralyevna shines with a shower. In the foreman - oh, how difficult it is for the Muftiyat to be overwhelmed by all the requests, his main task is spiritual rejuvenation, and in the Council the work is wider, then more:

“... The love of the people needs a place where it can come, solve its problems... Thanks to Sergey Valerievich (Aksenov), who supported the initiative and the leader of such a Council. Council - it became not just the Council of Crimean Tatars, but the Council of Crimean Tatars under the head of the Republic of Crimea... The eyes of many people are offended. Vot Lemar-Khanum, she is always on guard (Lemara Sergeevna is going to give a benevolent kiss). People come, take offense, with different questions. Somewhere you can help with just a word. Lemar-Khanum with a cup of coffee can judge some problematic questions. Just listen to a person. That's what comes... already like kindred people, in fact. People come, they are offended...”

In the culmination, Seitov announces a list of applicants visiting Kiev, Turkey and Europe.

Seitova calls on Zenife Emiralyevna to stand up for her political position more strongly and with her voice to take away the right of national representation from the delegates from Kiev.

Zenif Emiralyevna is growing up. “They are the detachments,” he says. “We have smeared ourselves so that they do not live in the family,” he says. And I say, I speak a lot of different Russian letters, which are connected between themselves by a generator of random words.

Separately, the presenter Seitova likes to say, as in the telegram channels “Kuralesit Baryev”, and worries about Ader Ametovich, they need to end with this “chatter from the side of the Mejlis”.

“Grants” - Aider Ametovich is painstakingly sought.

Zenife Emiralyevna shines with a shower. In the foreman - oh, how difficult it is for the Muftiyat to be overwhelmed by all the requests, his main task is spiritual rejuvenation, and in the Council the work is wider, then more:

“... The love of the people needs a place where it can come, solve its problems... Thanks to Sergey Valerievich (Aksenov), who supported the initiative and the leader of such a Council. Council - it became not just the Council of Crimean Tatars, but the Council of Crimean Tatars under the head of the Republic of Crimea... The eyes of many people are offended. Vot Lemar-Khanum, she is always on guard (Lemara Sergeevna is going to give a benevolent kiss). People come, take offense, with different questions. Somewhere you can help with just a word. Lemar-Khanum with a cup of coffee can judge some problematic questions. Just listen to a person. That's what comes... already like kindred people, in fact. People come, they are offended...”

In the culmination, Seitov announces a list of applicants visiting Kiev, Turkey and Europe.

Seitova calls on Zenife Emiralyevna to stand up for her political position more strongly and with her voice to take away the right of national representation from the delegates from Kiev.

Zenif Emiralyevna is growing up. “They are the detachments,” he says. “We have smeared ourselves so that they do not live in the family,” he says. And I say, I speak a lot of different Russian letters, which are connected between themselves by a generator of random words.

Separately, the presenter Seitova likes to say, as in the telegram channels “Kuralesit Baryev”, and worries about Ader Ametovich, they need to end with this “chatter from the side of the Mejlis”.

“Grants” - Aider Ametovich is painstakingly sought.

The title “Tushenka elial (halal), it is as if you were” - an exact quote from the Efir participant from the bloc, in which guests explain what products the Council of Aksenovets at Aksenov helps the soldiers-masters of Ukraine They are from the Ukrainians.

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