Німеччина звинувачує Україну в саботажі «Північного потоку». І що?!?

Tom Cooper

Tom Cooper


Німеччина звинувачує Україну в саботажі «Північного потоку». І що?!?

Photo: Lisi Niesner/​Reuters

This week the Wall Street Journal published an article detailing the German accusations about Ukraine’s alleged bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines. While I have several problems with the article, I’m not going into that here. What I will point out is that none of this matters.

It’s Germany’s Fault

Assuming the information is correct and Ukraine attacked the pipeline it must be said that the pipeline immediately became a legitimate target of war for Ukraine when Russia invaded in 2014. Germany being angry or aggrieved pales in comparison to Ukraine fighting off a genocidal war from Russia. NO… that’s not hyperbole.

Germany over the past decades has been dismantling it’s energy infrastructure in an effort to “go renewable” and in doing so became overly reliant on Russia for its energy needs. Particularly: natural gas. This isn’t an article about the pros and cons of realistic energy policy. But it must be pointed out that more than 50% of Germany’s energy is produced from oil or coal.

This is partially a result of closing nuclear power generation resources in Germany and partially the Russians doing a good job in influencing German leaders.

This phenomenon isn’t new.

So, in a very real sense, Germany brought all of this on itsefl. Germany was in a very unique position in 2008 when Russia invaded Georgia: it could have made substantive demands of Moscow. It decided not to. Germany was in the same position in 2014 when Russia invaded Ukraine. It did not. Germany knew what Putin’s plans were for Ukraine and all of the former Soviet satellite states. We all knew. He told us all… in Munich, in Germany!

Putin has infiltrated Germany at all levels. Not only because of this, Ukraine has EVERY legal right to defend itself. Including against co-enterprises that consist of an enemy and a ally. Germany was warned and petitioned by Ukraine and other state- and non state actors about building Nord Stream 2. Germany chose to align itself with Putin. This choice, and all choices, have consequences. For Germany (and Austria, the biggest foreign investor into the Nord Stream 2), it’s the loss of billions in pipeline investment and now billions of Euros in aid to Ukraine. (What could a forceful response to the Georgia invasion save the German [and Austrian] economy today?)

There are many reasons Russia went ahead with the full scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. All major powers have responsibility. The US burning its moral authority in Iraq and Afghanistan. The exit of Afghanistan. The UK and all of NATO hiding under the US military umbrella. But… Germany has the most responsibility. It allowed itself to be subjected to Putin’s influence operations and ignored opportunities to bring Russia in line with more western values. In short, Germany took the money. It opted for short term gains and flattery instead of sound energy and security policy.

No one in Ukraine cares what Germany accuses a few Ukrainians of doing in the goal of defending Ukraine. Nor do I. Nor should you.

Researching Ukraine
Benjamin Cook

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