Scientist, human rights activist, writer
Activist, founder and chairman of the Crimean Cultural Centre ‘Kermen’ in Germany
Journalist, human rights activist, researcher of human rights violations in the occupied Crimea
Crimeantatar journalist and human rights activist
Crimeantatar cross-media activist, author and publicist, co-founder of CEMAAT, Crimea Public Media
Журналістка, продюсерка
Ukrainian and Crimeantatar journalist, co-founder of the NGO “Crimea Media Platform” and CEMAAT, Crimea Public Media
Historian, a PhD candidate. Researches the history of the Crimean Tatars and defended his dissertation entitled “The Return of the Crimean Tatars to their Homeland in 1956-1989”.
Український журналіст, публіцист, політичний сатирик
Ukrainian international journalist
Turkish political commentator
Crimeantatar journalist and columnist, co-founder of CEMAAT, Crimea Public Media
Austrian military analyst, specialist in the history of combat aviation