Finally It Happened

Izzet Enünlü

Izzet Enünlü


Finally It Happened

It happened, it happened. Despite all the wishful thinking Trump has won the election. Was it because Kamala Harris was the little candidate who was announced a little too late? Who knows! That and many other reasons probably. Why and how it happened is the question for the Democrats of the USA to think about and they have four years to come up with the right conclusion. 

For us mere mortals the question is will the autocrats of all the countries unite before their citizens do or not. Since Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping duo caused more destruction than COVID and all the hurricanes that hit the coasts of the USA, that is the nightmare scenario for many who care or can afford to worry on the topic. There were several reasons to think that may happen. Far right agenda of the supporters of Trump, his preference of peace over war, his superlative misunderstanding of his capacity and his ego trips.

Everything about him is a warning sign but It is possible that we misevaluated them. First of all, his political ambitions inside of his country are the problem of the US citizens and the foreign immigrants residing in their country. Their bureaucracy seems like to be an effective shield to turn the country into a dystopia. 

Secondly, many defined Trump as a businessman who dislikes wars since they are not good for trade. According to the latest news he will appoint Michael Waltz as his national security adviser and Marco Rubio as secretary of state who both are hardliners against China. It means that the peaceful President elect is preparing for a trade war against China as he vowed during the election campaign by imposing additional tariffs of 60 percent or more on all Chinese imports.

Moreover, the reputable American daily newspaper reported on Sunday that Donald Trump spoke on the phone with Vladimir Putin on Thursday and warned him not to escalate in Ukraine. Later on, the Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, denied the call as “It is completely untrue. It is pure fiction; it is simply false information”. Trump neither confirmed nor denied the call but said "if I did, it's a smart thing,"

If anybody from Trump’s inner circle like Elon Musk spoke with anybody from Putin’s inner circle, neither the Kremlin would be lying nor Trump would be accepting that the call was done. In any case, It would be reasonable to initiate preliminary communications for Trump whose presidential inauguration will be on Jan. 20. Especially if he is planning to launch his campaign to China as soon as possible.

Either way, the US won't be forming a trio with the two superpowers in the short or mid term. His attack on China is destined to distance either US from the two or Russia from China. If Ukraine is forced for concessions and a ceasefire is declared, Russia may not be as supportive to China in the coming trade war and that may be considered as betrayal by its faithfull ally.

Third point is that Trump is accused of underestimating the difficulties and overestimating his capabilities in bringing peace to Ukraine. The election was thought to be on the edge of the knife but the results showed that Trump has won with a bigger margin than expected and this actually shows that his critics underestimated his potential. 

It is possible that if he perceives that he is humiliated his ego may push for revenge by cutting up all support to Ukraine or by allowing them deep inside Russian territory - a permission that the timid Biden administration avoided to give. 

The USA is the first - maybe the only - example of the military–industrial complex. During his election campaign Trump complained about the aid given to Ukraine but even if he is half of the businessman he represented himself, undoubtedly understands that the vast majority of the aid is used to buy military equipment made in the USA and what it means for their industry. So a king has died in the US, long live the new king and let’s continue to be optimistic even if it is just wishful thinking.

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