Crimea is a litmus paper - Matviychuk

The starting point of the Russian-Ukrainian war can be considered the occupation of Crimea in 2014. Because of this, the place of the occupied peninsula in negotiations with the Russian Federation is a significant factor.



Crimea is a litmus paper - Matviychuk

About it on the air on March 28 U:SOUTHsaid human rights defender - Alexandra Matviychuk.

“The place Crimea occupies in the negotiations with the Russian Federation determines a lot. You can not even allow yourself to think about making concessions to the Russian Federation in matters of territorial integrity of Ukraine. We are fighting not only for the Ukrainian territories - we are fighting for the people who live there, including those who were left alone with the occupier; for 8 years in the territory of the occupied peninsula”- Matviychuk emphasized.

The human rights activist added that the topic of occupied Crimea all these years was of interest to “a specific category of people”, explaining this by the lack of demand from the population, which for 8 years tried to return to a quiet life, passing information field connected with the occupied peninsula.

According to Matviychuk, this was also due to a feeling of powerlessness in this situation, the inability to influence, which, as a result, led to personal frustration.

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