Oschadbank VS Russia: the Crimean Property Case

A Ukrainian state bank won a case against Russia regarding Crimean assets in an international court


Oschadbank VS Russia: the Crimean Property Case

According to the Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine, Iryna Mudra, the lawsuit of Oschadbank against Russia regarding its assets stolen by the occupiers in Crimea ended in victory.

1.1 billion US dollars plus interest, which will be accrued from the moment of the ruling until the time of actual compensation - which is about 100 thousand US dollars daily. All this should be received by the Ukrainian bank

The dispute over Russia's violation of the bilateral investment protection agreement began in 2015. The hearings took place in the international arbitration of 2017.

At first, the Russian Federation refused to participate in the process and then tried to postpone the enforcement of the arbitration award and cancel it. The aggressor country tried to use the French justice system to avoid responsibility. Muslim Umerov provides more details in this video:

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