Latest News from Crimea

Top 10 news of the last week


Latest News from Crimea

The death of political prisoners in Russian prisons, the assistance of Crimean Tatars to victims in Türkiye, preparations for the de-occupation of Crimea, and much more.

▪ 60-year-old Crimean Tatar political prisoner Dzhemil Gafarov died in a Russian pre-trial detention center
▪ Konstantin Shiring, a 61-year-old political prisoner from Crimea, died in a Russian colony
▪ The Moscow Court of Appeal illegally convicted citizen journalist Amet Suleymanov
▪ Occupiers sentenced a family from Crimea to a total of 44 years
▪ The head of the Sudak Regional Mejlis, Ilver Ametov, was searched
▪ Crimean Tatar volunteers collected more than a million Turkish liras for the victims of the earthquake in Türkiye
▪ Battalion "Crimea" will enter Crimea before the Armed Forces of Ukraine
▪ Returning the Crimean peninsula will be easier than Donbass
▪ Ukraine is already preparing personnel for the liberated Crimea
▪ Occupiers plan to launch bus service between Crimea and occupied South Ossetia

See an overview of the leading news from Crimea for the past week on our YouTube channel (this overview is currently available only in the Ukrainian language).

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