New repressions in Crimea

On January 24 at 4 am the Russian FSB kidnapped six Crimean Tatars in Crimea


New repressions in Crimea

photo: Crimean Solidarity

In the morning, the occupiers broke into six houses in the Dzhankoy area, rummaged through them, and then - without explanations or the permission of lawyers - took the owners in an unknown direction.

Among the kidnapped: Leman Zekiryaev and Khalil Mambetov from Dzhankoy, resident of the village of Chokrakly Sheikh Eli (Dniprovka) Osman Abdurazakov, two residents of the village of Timofiivka - Ayder Asanov and Refat Seydametov, as well as Ekrem Krosh from the village of Nemse Dzhankoy (Blyzhniyhorodskoe). The last prisoner is the brother of political prisoner Enver Krosh, who the occupiers accuse of organizing terrorist acts.


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