Where is Oleksiy Manannikov?

For more than 5 months, relatives have been looking for Oleksiy Manannikov from Mariupol.


Where is Oleksiy Manannikov?

For more than 5 months, the relatives of Oleksiy Manannikov from Mariupol have been looking for him. On April 11, a 58-year-old man tried to bury his mother. When the Russian rockets hit Mariupol, she was 85 and could no longer walk. The house caught fire because of the projectile.  Oleksiy’s mother was pulled out into the street, but it was not possible to save her - her heart could not stand it. Due to heavy shelling, it was not possible to bury her for two weeks. In the end, Oleksiy decided to wait no longer, left the basement, and went to the garage to get a bicycle to ride around the city. But he was captured by the Russian military near the garage cooperative.

In peaceful Mariupol, Oleksiy Manannikov was installing intercoms in the houses, and before that, he served in the communications forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. He retired with the rank of major. In the self-proclaimed DPR, relatives were told that Manannikov was a prisoner of war. At the same time, he is not on the Ukrainian list of prisoners, because Oleksiy resigned from the army in 2005. According to the family, at first, he was held in the Olenivska colony. But when an explosion rang out there on July 29, which killed and seriously injured dozens of Ukrainian prisoners of war, Oleksiy was no longer there. He was transferred to the Donetsk pre-trial detention center. Russia does not confirm that Oleksiy Manannikov was captured by its military. The Red Cross has no information about his location either.


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