Discrediting the Russian state

The Russian army started a missile attack on the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsia today. More than 90 people have been injured, and 20 people, including three children, were killed.


Discrediting the Russian state

by Natalia Kildiyarova,

Over 40 people were killed when Russian missile strikes completely destroyed two entrances to a five-story building in Chasovoy Yar on July 9. 

On July 14, Russian forces launched nine attacks on Nikolayev. Civilian infrastructure has been destroyed, and people were wounded. 

And this has been happening every day for the past five months!

"A new episode of Masyanya!" you exclaim. Awesome, perhaps they now realise why they were portrayed in this manner. 

Seriously? Who will realise? Putin? Shoigu? Or maybe a Russian Ministry of Defence representative, Konashenkov, who mumbles about strikes on Ukrainian army sites on a regular basis? 

Do you think he's a moron who thinks there are Ukrainian army positions at Kremenchuk's shopping mall, for example? Or in a high-rise building in Odessa? Or in a Kyiv residential building? 

Or at Vinnitsia's centre? He may be an idiot, of course, but he does not believe what he repeats every day at a briefing. And Putin does not believe it. They know everything. They know what and who they bomb and kill.

And the person who launches this rocket is well aware of this. 

If they are captured, they look at Ukrainian journalist Zolkin and mumble, "I didn't know, we came to the exercises, I didn't shoot, it's not me!" The fifth month has passed, but they still don't know anything and still go to the exercises. And, of course, no one fired.

Or perhaps you believe that ordinary citizens who backed the "special operation" but now realise will spit in Konashenkov's face on TV and shout, "You're all lying!" and your Putin is deceiving you! 

No, even if they do see the light, they will afterwards say, "I didn't know, I didn't shoot, I was fooled."

The latest episode of Masyanya only affects those who already know, feel, and comprehend. They feel terrified, ashamed, and hurt. 

Will this prevent a rocket from crashing into the centre of Vinnitsia? It will not.

Even without mentioning "taking to the streets," deputy Goryinov was sentenced to seven years in a colony for the phrase "there is a war ongoing." Kara-Murza was seized over a curving approach to the house's entry, and he now faces ten years in prison for discrediting the Russian army. However, it also faces Yashin.

The Russian army is being discredited by missiles on Ukrainian cities, dead citizens, dead children, and bombed buildings, not by deputy Goryinov, Kara-Murza, or Yashin. 

Discrediting the Russian army is the killing of Ukraine's civilian people. 

This war is a discrediting of the Russian state, turning Russia into a murderous and terrorist country that first devoured all of its population and is now trying to devour Ukraine as well, killing its citizens.

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