The use of indiscriminate weapons by the Russian occupiers was recorded in the Luhansk region

In the Luhansk direction, the enemy, intensifying the shelling with available means of fire, tried to advance deep into the territory of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Popasna and Rubizhne, to develop an offensive in the direction of Severodonetsk. The occupiers were unsuccessful and suffered losses.


The use of indiscriminate weapons by the Russian occupiers was recorded in the Luhansk region

The Russian Federation, the occupying country, has chosen the tactics of creating artificial genocide and famine in the territories controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Currently, targeted fire is directed at food storage bases and shops that provide essential goods to the civilian population. The use of remote demining systems UR-07 during the assault on Mariupol and Rubizhne residential areas has been confirmed.  This is an indiscriminate weapon that results in massive destruction and the death of civilians. Members of the illegal armed formations themselves confirm this information.


The UR-07M mine-clearing vehicle is mounted on the chassis of the BMP-3. The launcher of the UR-07M is equipped with extended demining charges UZP-06 and UZP-06D. They are capable of making passages in minefields several tens of meters wide. The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not have such military equipment.

Aside from its primary function, the UR-07M can be used to destroy enemy manpower in fortified ruins of buildings. When several charges are launched and detonated at the same time, a fuel-air explosion effect occurs, which is capable of taking down any ruins, destroying the manpower that protects them.

Similar installations, namely the UR-77, were already used for similar purposes by the Russians in the first Chechen war in the North Caucasus. During the second Chechen war, they were also used. Specifically, during the battles for the village of Komsomolsk.

The use of mine clearing vehicles UR 07 was observed in Syria during the offensive of the Syrian and Russian armies in the Jobar area. They destroyed opposition forces' positions, which were entrenched in low-rise urban buildings.

In January 2015, Prava Sprava published information about the Russians' use of the UR-77 Meteorit mine-clearing vehicle during the storming of the Donetsk airport.


The Analytical Department of CI Prava Sprava published information that local sources of the organization spotted the relocation of mine-clearing vehicle UR-07 Peresortirovka to the occupied city of Pervomaisk, which moved along with other types of weapons and equipment. 

Prava Sprava stressed that if the Russian occupiers used UR-07 M as a specific type of conventional weapon for indirect purposes, it would be considered as causing excessive damage to the critical and civilian infrastructure of Ukrainian cities. Its use will be non-selective and may result in a large number of casualties among the civilian population of Popasna and Rubizhne.

All responsibility for the possible consequences of the Russian occupiers' use of the UR-07 mine-clearing vehicle during the storming of Popasna and Rubizhne will fall squarely on the occupying country's military and political leadership. 

This fact demonstrates, once again, that the Ukrainian resistance movement is productive and effective, despite the difficult situation in the occupied territories.


 Dmytro Snegiryov

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