In the Luhansk region, occupiers are mobilizing university students to the front line

Men aged 18 to 60 are being forced to fight en masse on the side of the Russians in the occupied territories of the Luhansk regions. Putin is short on cannon fodder. Some experts believe Russia will declare a general mobilization. Otherwise, the occupying forces simply lack personnel.


In the Luhansk region, occupiers are mobilizing university students to the front line

However, only the Russian Federation's President, Vladimir Putin, has the authority to declare a general mobilization in Russia. It should be noted that, according to the occupying country's legislation, general mobilization is only possible in the event of external aggression and hostilities in Russia. But, there is currently no such order.

I can state the catastrophic lack of manpower of both the occupying forces and, respectively, the 1st and 2nd army corps of the so-called "republics".

Putin's claims that Russia has enough forces and professional troops to complete its tasks are false.

On February 19, Pasichnyk, the terrorist leader of the Luhansk People's Republic, signed a "decree" on general mobilization. According to the "decree," representatives of the occupation administration forcibly mobilize men aged 18 to 55.

It is worth noting that Pasichnyk's decree also prohibited men of military age from traveling outside the "republic," even within Russia. All men between the ages of 18 and 55 are mobilized, regardless of combat experience or military specialty.

If a local resident is not on the military register and has not received a summons, but meets the age requirements, he must still go to the enlistment office.

Evasion of mobilization entails both administrative and criminal liability. According to the "law" of the so-called "LPR" On mobilization training and mobilization in the "LNR," heads of enterprises, institutions, and organizations of all forms of ownership are obligated to assist the military commissariat and ensure notification and appearance of citizens working at these enterprises who are subject to conscription for military service for mobilization at assembly points or military units.

Besides, company officials are personally liable for fulfilling their mobilization obligations.

I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that so-called military enlistment offices have been set up in areas of the Luhansk region that were previously under the control of the Armed Forces. Even students from higher education institutions have been mobilized by the invading forces.

In fact, the occupiers are bringing to the front people who don't even know how to hold a weapon, including university students.
Even the well-known terrorist Igor Girkin admitted to the appalling level of training of men mobilized from ORDLO. Only half of them, he claims, are truly capable of holding a machine gun.

On March 9, the Russian Federation's Ministry of Defense acknowledged that conscripted soldiers are fighting in Ukraine. The cost of the dead fighters' lives in Russia was estimated to be 5 million rubles.

Dmytro Snegiryov

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