Hunt for independent lawyers in Crimea

Crimean lawyer Emina Avamileva was released after 5 days of arrest.


Hunt for independent lawyers in Crimea

Currently, the lawyer complains about the deterioration of his health. Emin Avamilev was kept under guard in a special detention center in Simferopol. Employees of Center E detained her following a May 28 court order after the lawyer and his colleague Ayder Azamatov appeared in court to defend another human rights activist, Nazim Sheikhmambetov.

 Thus, the security forces and law enforcement officers of Crimea are trying to put pressure on independent lawyers defending political prisoners.

According to Emine Avamileva, despite such harassment, she continues to work with her colleagues and such maneuvers of the security forces will not affect the positions of lawyers and their further professional activities.

Recall that lawyers were convicted in May for organizing a mass simultaneous stay of citizens in public places, which entailed a violation of public order (Part 1 of Article 20.2.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) on October 25, 2021, during the defense of his colleague Edem Semedlyaev near the building of the police station.

Avamileva writes on her Facebook page: "I am at home, surrounded by my family, the administrative detention has been completed under the obligation to appear in court for further consideration of the administrative protocol."

On UA ​​South is a detailed interview with Emina Avamileva coming soon.

Yaroslav Semchenko

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