We will be hunted again - Crimean lawyer Emine Avamileva

Another lawyer came out from the Simferopol pre-trial detention center, who handles the cases of political prisoners


We will be hunted again - Crimean lawyer Emine Avamileva

Lawyer Ayder Azamatov was released from administrative arrest. A few days ago, his colleague Emine Avamilev was also released from the pre-trial detention center. She said that she and her fellow lawyers hadn't been agre: “We completely disagree with the protocols that have been drawn up against me and other lawyers. We have clearly and accurately stated this in the protocol itself. Unfortunately, the court rejected most of our petitions. I believe that the court's decision to arrest us is unfair and illegal. The Russian court had other options - to seize property or assign us public works. So administrative arrest is, to put it mildly, we got away with it. And thank God that we have not been given 15 days".

Emine Avamilev and other lawyers were arrested for their professional activities, they are convinced. It is necessary to consider, that they are defending political prisoners with grave unjust accusations. These are such as the creation of terrorist cells, smuggling, and so on. On October 25, 2021, the lawyer and her colleagues came to the Simferopol District Court to help in the case of professional lawyer Edem Semidlyaev. At that time, he was in charge of one of the cases of a political prisoner. When Mr. Semidlyaev tried to audio-record the meeting, law enforcement officers approached him and began drawing up an administrative report.

Emine Avamileva: “So when I heard that Edem Semidlyaev was being forced to undress in order to find some illegal tattoos on his body, I decided to come and defend the rights of a professional lawyer. And then, seven months ago, my words were prophetic. I said that we will probably have a similar situation in the future. More than half a year has passed and we are accused of violating public order because of our professional activities."

Ms. Emine Avamileva does not expect justice. The Court of Appeal will probably not grant her request. However, she don't want not going to stop there: “Despite the fact that I spent in inappropriate conditions ... in the detention center, where it is wet, there are no sanitary conditions, even the same toilet does not work… separate special receivers should be provided for administrative detainees. My health deteriorated after that. Increased blood pressure, relapses and more. Such inhuman conditions were created for us to psychologically push. And these oppressions will continue, you understand. "

For now, the Crimean lawyers, who is on a real hunt, have decided to pause in their statements. But not out of fear, but in order to prepare for new trials against Russia's unjust judiciary.

Yaroslav Semchenko

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